Are weekends ruining the progress you have made?

Are you stuck in a cycle of being perfect Monday to Friday and then overeating on the weekends, wiping the progress you have made over the week.

Are you stuck in a cycle of being perfect Monday to Friday and then overeating on the weekends, wiping the progress you have made over the week.

Then it is time to restructure your food plan and assess. We have all been there, the whole week is going perfect with your food and then 5pm hits on Friday. It is the weekend, you deserve a treat, you have been on your best behaviour all week and stuck rigidly to your plan. So, for the next 48 hours, you binge eat, devouring everything sweet insight.

Sunday night hits and you feel guilty, regret your weekend decisions and promise you will be even better starting tomorrow. Until next Friday comes again and the whole cycle is repeated.

A food plan that is so restricting it makes you want to binge eat every 5 days, is not a food plan that will get you the results you want.

Every successful food plan, every great before and after you see on social media, every result achieved long term have 1 thing in common; sustainability.

For anything to be successful long term it must be sustainable. A balanced, well rounded diet will include foods you like and even foods you may consider bad. The most successful approach will be to change your habits gradually until you have made some temporary changes into new habits that you can maintain. Consistency is key.

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