Are weekends ruining the progress you have made?

Are you stuck in a cycle of being perfect Monday to Friday and then overeating on the weekends, wiping the progress you have made over the week.

Commonly the wrong things are prioritised resulting in frustration, further setbacks and over complicating a relatively simple process!

Here is a list of the most important factors in losing fat.

- A calorie deficit. This is top of the list, as it is the single most important factor. No matter how healthy your food sources, how consistent you are exercising or what new diet craze you are sticking to, if you are not eating in a calorie deficit, you are not losing weight.

- Eating an adequate amount of protein. Along with ensuring you maintain and increase lean muscle tissue, eating from protein sources will also help to regulate hunger and keep you fuller for longer. Aim to consume between .5g and .8g per lb of bodyweight each day.

- Sleep. Ensuring that you rest and recover daily will be important for stress management, regulating hunger and stop you reaching for the nearest sugar rush.

- Weight training. By far the number one way to lose fat long term. By maintaining and increasing your muscle mass, you are helping to maintain and increase your metabolism. This will keep you burning extra calories daily.

- Increasing your N.E.A.T (non exercise activity thermogenesis). This is one of the most significant factors in losing weight. Simply put, this is moving more. Whether it be taking the stairs, parking further from the door at work, playing with the kids or leisurely strolls. Increased movement of any kind means increased calories burned, it does not always have to be formal exercise.

- Once these five points are managed and monitored the rest is up to your personal preference. Meal timing, food sources, supplements or any style of dieting.

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